Year-round Resolutions

Whether you're a goal crusher, resolutions writer or slay-the-day'er, chances are you spend part of the year contemplating new goals. Am I right? Healthier habits and improved mindfulness are just two ways to live your best (or at least a "better") life. After contemplating some of the most popular resolutions, I decided to take 3 of them and turn them...

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Maximize Your Time, Minimize Your Stress

Do you ever wish there were more hours in the day? Wouldn't it be nice if your to-do list had fewer to-dos? While neither of these may be realistic options, with effective time management, it is possible to make the most of each day while minimizing your stress. We've all experienced the growing pile of dirty laundry, the dwindling supply...

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Natural Remedies for Overcoming Fatigue

We've all been there. You're on your 3rd cup of coffee, writing out the grocery list while talking to your mom on the phone. Once the kids are in bed, you're determined to overcome the all-too-familiar daily fatigue. You have no other choice. The floors need to be cleaned before your in-laws arrive this weekend. There's laundry to put away....

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5 Ways to Improve Immune Health

Regardless of the time of year, it happens to the best of us. We hustle from appointments to errands, from work to our workouts. The rhythm of everyday life creates a momentum that prioritizes the must-dos and bypasses all of the distractions. This unstoppable mentality keeps us grinding from A.M. to P.M. until, without warning our immunity is compromised and...

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Restoring Your Body Naturally

Megan Meisner Fitness

We live in a fast paced world where our bodies are constantly in fight or flight mode. Our minds race, along with our feet as we rush from work, to lunch, to 6pm spin class. We do our best to log miles on the treadmill, reps in the weight room and as much sleep as possible each night. Yet, if...

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Healthy Habits, Healthy Hair

Many years ago, during college, I chopped 10+ inches and donated it to Locks of Love, anticipating that I would "grow it out, donate it...grow it out, donate it..." Yet, it never grew that long ever again. I desperately needed to improve my hair health in order for it to grow. However, in the years that followed, my hair was...

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Resolve to Evolve

Click here for your Resolve to Evolve Action Plan  The year has come to a close.  The confetti has settled and the ball has dropped.  Empty champagne glasses collect on the end tables, alongside party hats, blow horns and Lego pieces (if your life is anything like mine).  We reflect on our recent promotion at work, the marathon we ran...

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Achieve Your Fitness Goals with Rest and Recovery

We chase deadlines, tackle assignments and sprint through the day with coffee in one hand and our phone in the other.  Sure, we’ve got great mobility! We can rearrange our to-do lists and schedule multiple appointments and meetings into one day.  Sure, we’re flexible! We are the hustlers, the goal-getters and the over-achievers.  The alarm goes off at 6am and...

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8 Healthy Holiday Habits to Practice Year Round

It's the time of year when we raise our glasses along with our holiday spirit. We spread cheese on our crackers and cheer among friends.  Shortly after, when the parties have ended and the presents have been opened, we realize our waistlines have also spread.  The numbers on the scale have risen.  Rather than panic later, it's best to prepare...

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