3 Ways to Make the Most of Your Walk

Want a no-fuss, affordable and convenient fitness program? Look no further than out your front door. Regardless of where you live (or the climate!) walking is one of the most underrated and can be one of the most rewarding physical activities. While it’s easy to feel pressured to keep up with the latest trend, workouts that are high intensity, competitive...

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Holiday Fitness Tips for Life

It's the time of year when we dash to the store for Christmas gifts, we jingle from one errand to the next and, if we're lucky, we merrily make time to workout. During the months of November and December, holiday fitness can easily take a seat in the "back sleigh" of priorities. So when January 1st rolls around, we find...

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Fitness Transformation: Finding Balance After Hitting Rock Bottom

Have you ever had one of those days where you ate too much and moved too little? You could feel your stomach expand with every bite of food as you sit on the couch, sipping Pepsi, watching talk shows while contemplating another slice of cheese pizza. Afterward, you swear off frozen pizzas forever and promise yourself you’ll “start over” in...

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Myths and Facts About Youth Fitness

When you’re not grocery shopping or making meals, you’re likely at a soccer game, ballet practice or tee ball, right? You don’t slow down very often and neither do your kids. As a mom, you do what you can to provide them with best equipment, get them where they need to be, keep their clothes clean and show your support...

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Get Fit with HIIT

What is HIIT? HIIT is the acronym for High Intensity Interval Training.  During this type of workout, you alternate between intense bursts of activity and periods of less intense activity. Not only do you burn a significant number of calories during a HIIT workout, but the effect of the exertion causes your metabolism to increase. As a result, you burn more fat...

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Cardio-Cable Core Workout

If you're like a lot of gym enthusiasts, you may have a love/hate relationship with the treadmill that turns to hate after ten minutes. And the long, slow upward climb on the stepmill feels like a trek to reach the top of Mount Everest. As a result, I created this core-inspired cardio cable workout. It's a great way to get...

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5 Ways to Overcome Workout Boredom

Sweat drenched and exhausted, you wipe your brow and head toward the shower. Leaving your worries behind by the weights and your stress alongside the treadmill, the clarity you feel provides a sense of accomplishment. Almost as though you're on top of the world.  Nothing can get you down.  Your energy levels are up, along with your confidence. Most of...

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3 Components of Fitness Success

As we continually strive to increase our strength, lose fat and improve our physique, we work hard to develop healthy habits we can maintain.  Going to the gym and avoiding the drive-thru can help us achieve our fitness goals.  However, it takes more than eating better and exercising to see results.  Take the following three components into consideration and be...

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Stay Accountable to Your Home Workout Routine

The very first time I began working out, I was in the living room of my mom's house. I was in junior high. There were no weights, resistance bands or jump ropes. I was not familiar with heart rate monitors and tracking devices were unheard of. My home workout was fueled by a drive for success and commitment to my...

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8 Reasons You Should be Using Resistance Bands

What comes to mind when you hear the word "resistance"?  If you're anything like me you may think "unwilling to change."  "Hesitant." In this context, resistance might keep you in your comfort zone.  It is difficult for most of us to break through resistance and discover what happens when we step outside of the norm. Most of the time, it's...

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