
3 Ways to Make the Most of Your Walk

Want a no-fuss, affordable and convenient fitness program? Look no further than out your front door. Regardless of where you live (or the climate!) walking is one of the most underrated and can be one of the most rewarding physical activities. While it’s easy to feel pressured to keep up with the latest trend, workouts that are high intensity, competitive...

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Quinoa Taco Pockets

Looking for a plant-based alternative to tacos? One of my favorite substitutes, that's also high in protein and rich in vitamins, is quinoa! Additional health benefits of quinoa include fiber, antioxidants and amino acids. Quinoa is extremely versatile and relatively easy to prepare. Here's one of my favorite ways to enjoy it! Ingredients 1 Keen One Harissa Red Pepper Quinoa...

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Mommy & Me Meals

If you don't have laundry to do, there are groceries to buy. If you aren't vacuuming, you're picking up toys. If you aren't dropping someone off, you're picking them up. If there aren't dishes in the sink, there's a little one in the bath, needing to be cleaned. Sound familiar? From making meals to planning play dates, a mom's work...

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Year-round Resolutions

Whether you're a goal crusher, resolutions writer or slay-the-day'er, chances are you spend part of the year contemplating new goals. Am I right? Healthier habits and improved mindfulness are just two ways to live your best (or at least a "better") life. After contemplating some of the most popular resolutions, I decided to take 3 of them and turn them...

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Holiday Fitness Tips for Life

It's the time of year when we dash to the store for Christmas gifts, we jingle from one errand to the next and, if we're lucky, we merrily make time to workout. During the months of November and December, holiday fitness can easily take a seat in the "back sleigh" of priorities. So when January 1st rolls around, we find...

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Maximize Your Time, Minimize Your Stress

Do you ever wish there were more hours in the day? Wouldn't it be nice if your to-do list had fewer to-dos? While neither of these may be realistic options, with effective time management, it is possible to make the most of each day while minimizing your stress. We've all experienced the growing pile of dirty laundry, the dwindling supply...

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4 Tips for Raising Healthy Kids

Your week is full of play dates, soccer games and after school music lessons, right? So you're probably not too concerned about how active your child is. Most days, if it wasn't for your thermos full of coffee and priceless 5 hours of sleep, you would barely keep up with them. However, there's more to raising healthy kids than enrolling...

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How to Build a Healthy Salad

As I recall from my childhood, my very first salad was not a very healthy salad. Smothered in Ranch dressing, croutons and bacon bits, it would appeal to most 8 year olds (like myself). Both my sister and I agreed to eat broccoli and cauliflower at dinner time, but only under these conditions. Who wouldn't love the creaminess of a...

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Natural Remedies for Overcoming Fatigue

We've all been there. You're on your 3rd cup of coffee, writing out the grocery list while talking to your mom on the phone. Once the kids are in bed, you're determined to overcome the all-too-familiar daily fatigue. You have no other choice. The floors need to be cleaned before your in-laws arrive this weekend. There's laundry to put away....

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4 Tips for Smarter Snacking

It's 3pm. Your stomach is rumbling as you sit through your team meeting, anticipating the Italian dinner you'll be eating at 7pm. You consider the idea of snacking once the meeting ends. After all, the vending machine is around the corner and you won't be eating for another 4 hours. A bag of candy will hold you over until dinner,...

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