The Pros of Probiotics

If you were to tour my kitchen a couple of years ago, you would have found shelves lined with tubs of protein powder. Quest bars. Multivitamins. Fish oils. NeoCell collagen. Apple cider vinegar. The benefits of these products (and the oh-so-good flavor of a Quest bar!) makes them a staple in my diet. As a vegetarian, I do my best...

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The Benefits of Healthy Fats

Do you find yourself drawn to foods labeled, "Fat Free! Reduced Fat! Low Fat!"? After all, if a food is high in fat, it must make you fat. Seems logical, right? Years ago, this theory resulted in a plethora of foods with additives and higher amounts of sugar, meant to replicate the taste and textures only fats can provide. I...

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Frosted Pumpkin Banana Muffins

Regardless of the time of year, pumpkin is a source of many nutrients and joyful memories of hoodie weather, bonfires and baking in the kitchen. If you're anything like me, the cooler temps and pumpkin-inspired treats create warm moments that fill your heart and your hunger for something sweet. Not only do pumpkins taste amazing, but they're high in fiber,...

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5 Back to School Lunch Ideas

By the time August has arrived, you’re probably eager to send your kids back to school. Not only does the start of school mean more time to yourself, but the kids can no longer complain of being bored, the front door will stay shut and bugs will stop flying into the house. You will no longer have to hear arguments...

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Apple Crisp

Nothing says fall like a crisp, sweet apple. This tasty recipe can be enjoyed year round--in a bowl, on a plate or on top of ice cream! However and whenever you eat this crisp, you'll be experiencing a fall essential. Ingredients 4 apples1/4 cup syrup (I use sugar free)1/4 cup honey2 cups flour*1 cup oatmeal*1 cup vanilla protein powder1/2 cup butter2...

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Healthy Habits, Healthy Hair

Many years ago, during college, I chopped 10+ inches and donated it to Locks of Love, anticipating that I would "grow it out, donate it...grow it out, donate it..." Yet, it never grew that long ever again. I desperately needed to improve my hair health in order for it to grow. However, in the years that followed, my hair was...

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Resolve to Evolve

Click here for your Resolve to Evolve Action Plan  The year has come to a close.  The confetti has settled and the ball has dropped.  Empty champagne glasses collect on the end tables, alongside party hats, blow horns and Lego pieces (if your life is anything like mine).  We reflect on our recent promotion at work, the marathon we ran...

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Get Fit with HIIT

What is HIIT? HIIT is the acronym for High Intensity Interval Training.  During this type of workout, you alternate between intense bursts of activity and periods of less intense activity. Not only do you burn a significant number of calories during a HIIT workout, but the effect of the exertion causes your metabolism to increase. As a result, you burn more fat...

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Achieve Your Fitness Goals with Rest and Recovery

We chase deadlines, tackle assignments and sprint through the day with coffee in one hand and our phone in the other.  Sure, we’ve got great mobility! We can rearrange our to-do lists and schedule multiple appointments and meetings into one day.  Sure, we’re flexible! We are the hustlers, the goal-getters and the over-achievers.  The alarm goes off at 6am and...

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8 Healthy Holiday Habits to Practice Year Round

It's the time of year when we raise our glasses along with our holiday spirit. We spread cheese on our crackers and cheer among friends.  Shortly after, when the parties have ended and the presents have been opened, we realize our waistlines have also spread.  The numbers on the scale have risen.  Rather than panic later, it's best to prepare...

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